Чи справді Алан Рікман сказав цей відомий вислів? | Did Alan Rickman Really Say This Famous Quote?

Чи справді Алан Рікман сказав цей відомий вислів? | Did Alan Rickman Really Say This Famous Quote?

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In an interview, Alan Rickman was quoted as saying, “When I’m 80 years old and sitting in my rocking chair, I’ll be reading Harry Potter. And my family will say to me, ‘After all this time?’ And I will say, ‘Always.‘”


Shortly after his untimely death in January 2016, fans of Alan Rickman began posting and sharing pictures of the actor, often accompanied by quotes from his movies and interviews. One of the most popular quotes that was shared stated that Rickman envisioned himself sitting in a rocking chair at 80 years old, reading Harry Potter – and ended with him quoting one of the most famous lines spoken by Professor Snape in the Potter films.

Let’s go over why this is straight from Umbridge’s desk.

The first indication we get suggesting this quote was not said by Rickman is that we have no record of it. Articles that use this quote never have a source, video, or time and date for reference – usually using the phrase “stated to the press” as their only lead. The second bit of proof we have that shows that Alan Rickman never said this is this Tumblr post, written by a 15-year-old girl on July 3, 2010. After Rickman’s death, she made a follow-up post, stating that she couldn’t have chosen a better person for her words to have been misquoted.

While our love for Alan Rickman – and all that he brought to every character he portrayed – knows no bounds, we are sorry to inform you that this quote was simply not spoken by him. It was just a perfect bit of wording, much like the Muggle actress Marilyn Monroe and the many fake quotes that have been attributed to her name over the years.

Myth Managed

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