Розум і почуття (Sense and Sensibility, 1995)

Розум і почуття (Sense and Sensibility, 1995)

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Alan Rickman played the role of Colonel Brandon in this film.

  • Year: 1995
  • Genre: drama, romance
  • Director: Ang Lee
  • Cast: Emma Thompson, Kate Winslet, Hugh Grant, Alan Rickman, Greg Wise, Jemma Jones, Robert Hardy, James Fleet, Harriet Walter, Imelda Staunton, Hugh Laurie
  • Опис: A story of the life and love of two sisters — the sensible Elinor and the passionate Marianne — whose happiness and future are overshadowed by their father’s death and the loss of the family’s vast inheritance. It is a tale of conflict between desires and the rigid norms of bourgeois society, which harshly condemned any display of sensual emotions and passed severe judgments rooted in snobbish puritanism.


The film “Sense and Sensibility” (1995), based on Jane Austen’s novel of the same name, tells the story of the Dashwood sisters after the death of their father, who leaves the family without an inheritance. Elinor (Emma Thompson), rational and composed, struggles with her feelings for the kind-hearted but duty-bound Edward Ferrars (Hugh Grant). Her younger sister, Marianne (Kate Winslet), romantic and emotional, falls for the charismatic Willoughby, only to have her heart broken by his betrayal.

Amidst this, Colonel Brandon, portrayed by Alan Rickman, emerges. His character embodies restraint, deep emotions, and loyalty. Captivated by Marianne, Brandon patiently stays by her side, supporting her even as she suffers from unrequited love. His warm and selfless nature gradually wins Marianne’s trust, and over time, she begins to recognize his genuine care for her.

In the story’s conclusion, the sisters find a balance between “sense” and “sensibility.” Elinor finds happiness with Edward, while Marianne responds to Colonel Brandon’s love, realizing that true love is not only about passion but also about constancy and devotion.

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