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This site is a kind of Wiki of the Alan Rickman Universe. His works in cinema, theater, his life and his diaries.

There is still no such resource where you can find everything-everything-everything about Alan Rickman. So we will try to become such a resource.

After reading Alan Rickman’s diaries and receiving feedback from readers who wrote that they did not know the people Alan Rickman mentions in these diaries, we decided that something needed to be done.

The purpose, the mission of this site is Alan’s statement, which you can see above. Here it is:

Actors are agents of change. A film, a piece of theater, a piece of music, or a book can make a difference. It can change the world. © Alan Rickman

We want to collect as much information about Alan Rickman as possible on one site. Film descriptions, detailed analysis of the roles he played, his interviews and articles about him, information about the people he worked with. Work on the site is ongoing and will continue for a long time. If you want to add something, want to translate an interview or write an article, make a description of a film or a character description, maybe you found an error, write to us.

This site is not commercial and unofficial, we do not claim ownership of the articles, interviews, etc. posted on this site. All rights belong to the owners. Whenever possible, we indicate links to all sources of information presented here, because links may become outdated over time and the material may be removed from where it was first published. If you are the owner of any of the materials presented on this site and you want to remove this material or change it, write to us.

Advertising on the site is placed to compensate for the costs of hosting and maintaining the site.