- Year: 2013
- Genre: drama, fantasy, short
- Director: Ben Ockrent, Jake Russell
- Cast: Alan Rickman, Jodie Whittaker
- Plot: A short story about a man who follows a girl and her mother home from school one day. He waits outside their house until nightfall before breaking in. Once inside, events take an unexpected turn…
Todd, a 60-year-old loner burdened by his troubles, follows young Jessica (7) and her mother home from school. He waits until nightfall before breaking into their house and sneaking into Jessica’s room. Lifting the helpless, sleeping child from her pillow, he finds… a tooth! In a compulsive frenzy, Todd crushes the tooth and sniffs it from Jessica’s nightstand.
Wings erupt from his back, and he leaps out of her window, free once again—for a short while… until his tooth fairy addiction calls him back.